Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sing Song!

So this last Friday i participated in sing song and I have to admit my opinion about it from the beginning has changed a lot. I was in the musical Barnum in 8th grade and i messed up the 2 lines that I had and I swore i would never be in a musical again. At first me and my pledge brothers hated the thought of having to sing and dance and embarrass ourselves in front of a whole bunch of people. We practiced about 3 hours a week up until spring break then we started practicing 6 hours a week and the actual week of performing live we practiced even more. It started getting fun after spring break when we actually knew more of our songs and we knew the girls we were practicing with a lot better so we messed around more and weren't worried about looking bad anymore. Even though we knew our stuff pretty well, I was still very nervous on Friday night during our opening song. When it was me and my pledge brothers' turn to shine in our guys only song we rocked it better than we ever have. We all totally got into it and ended up having a lot of fun. All of our hard work payed off when we heard the judges say DG and Kappa Sig won.

I highly recommend doing sing song if you ever get the chance. In the end I had a whole lot of fun and will definately remember it forever. You get to meet a lot of girls/guys and have a chance of winning money and bragging rights if you win.

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