Monday, March 16, 2009


Many people today debate the issue of whether or not smoking pot is a good or bad thing and if it should be legalized as well. I think smoking pot is not bad and should be legal. This is because it is less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes and it can be beneficial to people who need it for medicinal purposes. If it was legalized the government could put a tax on it like alcohol and cigarettes and this would help boost our economy. From what I have seen in documentaries and people using it, I have never seen anything bad from it like violence or or overdosing or anything like that. The worst side affects from it to my knowledge is sometimes just a slower reaction time and a slow short term memory. There are medical benefits from it such as relief of nausea and interlobular pressure for people with glaucoma, muscle spasticity and pain caused by multiple sclerosis just to mention a few.


  1. I also believe marijuana should be legalized. I don't belive it is as bad as alcohol or cigarettes. Legalizing marijuana would decrease mafia, and drug trafficking from Mexico. Seeing as Americans are the ones buying the drugs, Mexican cartels will keep sending drugs to U.S. Legalizing marijuana would reduce the amount of drugs coming into America, and therefore reduce violence along the border.

    I compare ourselves to being in the Prohibiton right now. Alcohol was illegal, and the U.S. decided to legalize it partly so that it could reduce mafia and illegal trafficking of alcohol. In the future, the U.S. might consider that their is more pros than cons in legalizing marijuana

  2. I understand where you stand on this point, and I do not really know where I stand on the issue. This is because I have given it some thought and I can see why it should be legal, and why it should be illegal. I think that if weed was legal, there would be less crime for one thing. This is because, how people do you hear go and commit crimes while high? I don’t think that there are very many, probably because people are too high to know what is going on, I mean somebody told me that when you up there, sliced bread and rolling around in the grass can be god’s gift to man. How bad could it be? Stangs made the argument that this is like the prohibition, but, I mean how true is this statement? How many people do we know drink in college? This is where I can see why weed not to be legal. This is because weed if being compared to alcohol like Stangs did, would be ok, but the problem is that everything is “ok”. There are always ways to argue that everything is good. Alcohol is fine, but only in moderation, and a lot of times it is not done in moderation in college, I read in an article a couple of days a frat guy from some other college died from drinking. A lot of times, almost most things are not really done in moderation. If under aged drinking was legal and the age was lowered, would this really make things all better? I would highly doubt it because if the age was lowered to 18, then younger ages would be drinking illegally. If weed was legalized, everyone would do it. If it was legal, I bet that people would use it and start driving, and the problem with that is that a lot like alcohol, it slows reaction time. This might cause more accidents. Also a lot of times weed too is a gate way drug to many other stronger drugs, that have negative effects on the body, or it is used with other things. I do not hold anything against people who smoke weed, or anything, but I cannot really take a point on whether it should be legal or not. I mean from what it sounds like, it makes you feel great, but at the same time if legal, how many people do you think would go to work blazed or class?

  3. Your argument is well developed and has a point. However, I'm not totally sure if I agree with your stance. I'm not sure where my views on this issue are actually. It is a very tough issue to comment and even harder to act upon. I guess, you could say it is up to the individual and their beliefs to say if it should be legalized. I do agree that because of the medicinal purposes; it should be made legal for those patients that need marijuana to sustain their life.

    However, to make your argument persuasive, I would show the other side of the argument. Why doesn’t the government legalize the use of pot and other drugs? You touch on it just a bit by saying that you have not seen any documentaries or articles saying anything negative about the use of marijuana, but I bet there are critics out there against its legalization. I would dig just a little deeper and find out why those people are against it and what their stance is. Then rebuttal it with your medicinal reasons and evidence of using marijuana in the procedures you mentioned. That way your argument will be much stronger and even more convincing.

  4. I think marijuana should be legalized not only because it can be used for medical purposes, but it is just a much safer drug than alcohol or cigarettes. With legalizing it this would cut down the cost of border patrol, taxes for deporting or housing(medical bills too) drug traffickers. It would decrease the amount of people in jail causing everyone to save money because there would not be need for more prisons and there would be no need for the extra taxes with more people in jail.

    This again is just my input on a rather huge topic.
